The execution of collective bargaining right of labor union is helpful in buffering conflicts and defusing differences between labor and management in a peaceful and non-facedown way. 工会履行集体谈判权能使劳资双方以缓和的、非直接对抗的方式缓解冲突,化解分歧。
One of these, the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, guaranteed workers a minimum wage, reasonable hours, collective bargaining and the right to join unions. 该项法律保证工人有最低限度的工资,合理的工作时数,集体谈判权和加入工会权。
And, even if the collective bargaining system has been established, it does not mean the right on collective bargaining will be protected. 而且,即便确立了集体谈判制度,也并不意味着集体谈判权一定能够得到保障。
The bargaining of pollutants discharge right is a effective ways to control the environmental pollution under the marketing mechanism. 排污权交易是利用市场机制控制环境污染的有效途径。
However, the right on collective bargaining has not been protected as an independent right in many countries. 尽管如此,很多国家并未把集体谈判权作为一项独立的权利加以保障。
I think Louis and I have equal bargaining power right now. 我想现在Louis和我的谈判筹码是等重的。
A Study on Collective Bargaining Right 集体谈判权研究
What this paper studied is the laborers 'collective bargaining right. 本文研究的是劳动者的集体谈判权。
Laborers 'Collective Bargaining Right 论劳动者的集体谈判权
Study on the Problem of the Victim in the Plea Bargaining The Perfection of Victim Lawsuit Right and Its System Conception in China 辩诉交易程序中的被害人问题研究&以英、美为中心我国被害人诉讼权利的完善及制度构想
The chapter one analyzes the intension of collective bargaining right and essential features in detail, proves the subject and content of collective bargaining right, makes clear historical development of collective bargaining right and expound realistic meaning of collective bargaining right; 论文在第一章中详细剖析了集体谈判权的内涵和基本特征、论证了集体谈判权的主体和内容、厘清了集体谈判权的历史发展脉络并阐明了集体谈判权的现实意义;
The main view of this paper is: Only when the laborers have legal collective bargaining right, and fully exercise this right, could they protect their own work rights and interests effectively; 本文的主要观点是:劳动者必须拥有合法的集体谈判权,并充分地行使该权利,才能切实地保护自己的劳动权益;
Demos as the economic subject, in the whole process of ( economical) activity, the regress of economic rights include: competition right, organization right,( estate) right, bargaining right, innovation right. 从民众作为经济主体从事经济活动的整个过程看,回归的权利包括:创业权、竞争权、组织权、财产权、交易权、创新权。
The core of the "Three Labor Rights" is the right to collective bargaining, the aim of the right to organize and strike is collective bargaining. “劳动三权”的核心是集体谈判权,团结权和争议权的目的均是为了集体谈判。
This system exists as a game equilibrium. The change of contributions and bargaining power of factor owners will result in the replacement of game equilibria, i.e. the evolution of the system of the property right of factor. 随着要素所有者贡献和谈判力量的变化,会产生博弈均衡的更替,这就是要素产权制度的变迁了。
Right of collective bargaining is the core right among the collective labor rights. Right of association is the advanced condition for right of collective bargaining and right to dispute is the assisted condition for right of collective bargaining. 集体谈判权是集体劳权的核心权利,团结权是集体谈判权的前提,争议权则是实现集体谈判权的辅助性权利。
So it is very important to pay special attention to the core labor standards, especially the Labors 'Three Rights ( the freedom of association, the right of collective bargaining, and the right of strike). 因此重视核心劳工标准、尤其是劳动三权(自由结社权、罢工权和集体谈判权)具有非常重要的意义。
The so-called right to collective bargaining means that workers can negotiate with employers or their organizations through trade unions on issues like working conditions, labor standards working and have the right of signing collective contract to protect their legitimate rights and interests of labor. 所谓集体谈判权,是指劳动者为保障自己的合法劳动权益,通过工会或其代表与雇主及雇主组织就劳动条件、劳动标准等问题进行协商、谈判,并签订集体合同的权利。
Labor remuneration Negotiation right is the essence and basis of labor remuneration right, which includes individual bargaining right and the collective bargaining right for remuneration. 劳动报酬谈判权是劳动者与雇主之间就劳动报酬问题进行讨价还价的权利,是保护劳动报酬权的起点和基础。劳动报酬谈判权包括劳动报酬个别谈判权和劳动报酬集体谈判权。
Second, the characteristics of human capital property rights determine that enormous wealth could be created when the human capital empowerment combines the material capital, as well as the bargaining power of human capital becomes stronger that also need to proceed the benefit right more seriously. 其次,人力资本产权特性决定了人力资本权能在结合物资资本的同时能创造巨大的财富,同时,谈判实力的提高也要求对人力资本所有者的收益权加以重视。